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2017WFF世界足球论坛暨世界足球博览会将于五月长沙举行(2017WFF World Soccer Forum and World Football Expo will be held in May in Changsha)

作者:周健 来源:原创 日期:2017/3/23 16:16:26 人气:2322 加入收藏 评论:0 标签:


2017WFF World Soccer Forum and World Football Expo will be held in May in Changsha


(Pictured as ritual scene)


(See the leaders and guests at the press conference)

2017年3月23日“中韩大战当日上午”,2017WFF世界足球论坛暨MORE SPORTS世界足球博览会新闻发布会,在长沙温德姆豪廷酒店盛大召开。中国足协竞赛部部长戚军,湖南省体育局副局长熊倪,长沙市政协副主席、市体育局局长李平等领导出席。来自全国各大足球俱乐部、国际知名体育品牌企业、各大商会和媒体负责人共300余人出席了本次会议。会议由湖南省足球协会秘书长安忠主持。

March 23, 2017 "Sino-Korean War the morning," 2017WFF World Soccer Forum and MORE SPORTS World Football Expo press conference, held in Changsha Wyndham Hao Ting Hotel. Chinese Football Association Competition Minister Qi Jun, Hunan Provincial Sports Bureau deputy director Xiong Ni, Changsha City CPPCC Vice Chairman, Municipal Sports Bureau Director Li Ping and other leaders attended. From the country's major football clubs, internationally renowned sports brand enterprises, the major chambers of commerce and media leaders a total of more than 300 people attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by the Secretary-General of Hunan Football Association.


(Photo: Hunan Sports Bureau deputy director Xiong Ni at the meeting)


(Photo: Changsha City CPPCC Vice Chairman, Municipal Sports Bureau Secretary Li Ping at the meeting)

2017WFF世界足球论坛暨MORE SPORTS世界足球博览会由湖南省体育局、长沙市人民政府共同主办,湖南省足球协会、长沙市体育局承办,Eventica Sport创办,长沙贺龙体育中心、湖南麦动体育产业发展有限公司共同运营,活动定于2017年5月18日至21日在长沙国际会展中心及长沙贺龙体育中心举行。届时,将有来自世界各地的足球风云人物及相关行业精英汇聚一堂。会上,巴西足球巨星罗纳尔迪尼奥也送来了祝贺2017WFF世界足球论坛的祝福视频,并确定将出席本次论坛活动。

2017WFF World Football Forum and MORE SPORTS World Football Expo organized by the Hunan Provincial Sports Bureau, Changsha Municipal People's Government co-sponsored by the Hunan Provincial Football Association, Changsha City Sports Bureau, Eventica Sport founder, Changsha He Long Sports Center, Hunan Mai dynamic sports industry development limited The company is jointly operated and is scheduled to be held from May 18 to 21, 2017 at Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center and Changsha He Long Sports Center. By then, there will be from all over the world of football and related industry elite gathered together. At the meeting, the Brazilian football star Ronaldinho also sent a congratulatory video congratulating the 2017WFF World Soccer Forum and was sure to attend the forum event.


(The picture shows the leadership and guests together to start the ceremony)


为此,2017WFF世界足球论坛将成为WFF史上规格最高,出席嘉宾最多,规模也是最大的一届。拟邀请20余位重要级嘉宾,并同步规划中国首个世界级足球展会——MORE SPORTS世界足球博览会,展位面积近3万平方米,涉及足球、体育、城市建设、旅游文化等多个领域。


This year is a very important year for the World Soccer Forum, because this forum will be one of the centers of football emerging markets - China!

To this end, 2017WFF World Football Forum will become the highest in the history of WFF, attend the guests most, the scale is the largest session. It is planned to invite more than 20 important guests and plan the first world-class soccer exhibition in China - MORE SPORTS World Football Expo. The booth area is nearly 30,000 square meters, covering football, sports, urban construction, tourism and other fields.

The WFF football forum held, for the cultivation of football culture, strong football atmosphere, to promote the football youth training system and youth football development will play an active role.


(The picture shows the signing ceremony at the scene)


It is reported that the activities of the main operators, Mai-sports and EVENTICA signed a strategic cooperation, as the only partner in 2017 WFF China. Perhaps, 2017WFF World Soccer Forum is just the starting point, in the foreseeable now and in the future, we will tribute to more gluttonous feast about football!


(The picture shows the organizers to Li Ping presented football star Ronaldinho signature jersey)


(The picture shows the press conference to ask the link)


(Figure for Li Ping to answer reporters)


(Figure for the wheat move Cao Hanjie answer reporter's question)


(Photo: Ronaldinho representative to answer a reporter's question)

(图为长沙体育局党组书记江哲回答记者问题)(Picture of the Changsha Sports Bureau Party Secretary Jiang Zhemin answer reporter's question)


(The picture shows a reporter question)

(图为2017WFF世界足球论坛暨MORE SPORT世界足球博览会主办方)

(Figure 2017WFF World Soccer Forum and MORE SPORT World Football Expo organizers)


Left 1: Hunan International Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. / Kang Hui Tourism - Mr. He Jiuzhou


Left 3: Hunan Mai Xing Sports Industry Development Co., Ltd. - Mr. Cao Hanjie


Left 4-5: Ronaldinho representative
